
Modes of Transport:
1, Air Transport
a, Express to Your Door
We can provide you DHL, FEDEX,UPS,TNT expresses to your door. We will arrange both countries' customs clearance, you just need to receive the goods at the address you required. It is very fast and convenient, but the shipping cost will be high.
b, air cargo
We can also send the goods to your nearest international airport, you can pick up the goods at the airport or we arrange a logistic company to transport the goods to your door.
2, Sea Shipping
It is a very cheap mode of transportation for delivering large quantity of goods. However, it is slow.
1: We can provide you FOB, CIF, DDU service.
Especially DDU, our customers usually choose DDU to the door. We will arrange both countries' customs clearance, but you need to pay the import tax, then you just need to receive the goods at the address you required. It is very convenient and the shipping cost is cheap.
3, Russian Special Line
We also have Russian special line. It is in a high degree of safety, quick speed, large transport capacity, and low cost, and has little pollution. For the other countries sepcial line, please leave us a meesage we will check it for you.